Mother’s Lament
Once upon a time, I lay a-bed and slept.
I slept and slept till could sleep no more…
Slept till wakened by my lover’s kiss.
To sleep, per chance to dream…
Sleep, glorious sleep, sleep, sleep!
Sleep deprived, to old to nap…
Oh to revel and lie a bed!
To sleep till slept enough!
To roll over and sleep some more…
Just… just because I can!
Sigh. To sleep through the night…
Not be woken by patter of feet…
Clonk and jangle of the door’s rattle!
To wake to the day’s bright sun…
Oh to sleep past the dayspring…
To lie a bed till well past dawn!
Once, I dreamed of glory and fame.
I dreamt of being a great success.
Dreams of fabulous wealth danced in my head…
Of heroic deeds and wild acclaim.
Now ‘ere night falls, I close my eyes…
And pray and dream… of SLEEP!